Adult tube feed ‘starter’ regime – important updates
November 26, 2024
The Trust is changing the ‘starter’ regime for Adult Tube Feeding. This is the regime for short-term use ‘out of hours’ ie. When no Dietitian is available (overnight and at weekends).
The new guideline is already approved and published and we will be changing to the new feed regime at the beginning of December.
New guidance has been used to make a tube feed regime that is more likely to meet the nutritional requirements of our patients over night time/weekend periods, and to safely manage those patients who are at risk of Refeeding Syndrome.
The new guideline/regime has 4 alternative build up regimes – follow the relevant flow chart based on patient weight and depending on whether or not your patient is at risk of Refeeding Syndrome.
Link to Refeeding Syndrome Guideline – see Appendix A for starter regime flowchart
Checklist for ward teams –
- Does your patient need an emergency feed regime?
- Look up flowchart – Refeeding Guidelines/Appendix A
- Weigh your patient
- Drs to manage refeeding risk (bloods and medications) and prescribe feed as per appropriate regime
- Refer to Dietitian and Nutrition Nurse via Unity
Please speak to your ward Dietitian who will provide a flowchart to help you manage ‘out of hours’ feeding.
More information Refeeding-guideline-PTCARE-030