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Cold Weather Alert Level 2

March 29, 2018

There is a 60% probability of severe cold weather, icy conditions and some snow between midnight on Sunday 1 April and 3pm on Tuesday 3 April. This weather could increase the health risks to vulnerable patients and disrupt the delivery of services.

Please refer to the national Cold Weather Plan and our Trust’s emergency plan for appropriate preventive action.

Severe weather plan

For individuals the cold weather plan recommends:-

  1. Dress warmly with layers; take warm food drinks regularly; keep active
  2. If you have to go out, take appropriate precautions
  3. Check on those you know are at risk

Please can you consider this in your work and as individuals.  Looking after vulnerable people in the Community prevents additional hospital admissions.  This is a busy time for Urgent and Emergency care, the cold weather could add to the pressure and these actions may help to reduce that pressure.

As individuals, please consider making sure you follow the guidance and that you promote good care for friends and family during this time.