Monthly archives: September 2024
Check out the Omnicell ADC guide
To support the roll out of end user training, a helpful Omnicell Automatic Dispensing Cabinet (ADC) guide is now available. This guide provides a simple overview of Omnicell processes and step-by-step instructions to help you navigate Omnicell with ease.
Please remember to book your end-user training via ESR to get fully up to speed. To find out more check out the guide here.
Please scan the QR code to confirm you have done your end user training.
Food and retail services at Midland Met
We have a variety of convenient food and retail options for you at Midland Met:
Level 0:
- Coffee shop serving Costa coffee
- Greggs
Level 2: (Emergency Department waiting area)
- Coffee shop serving Costa coffee.
- Vending machines.
Level 5:
- Coffee shop serving Costa coffee.
- A spacious restaurant with seating for up to 200 people, offering accessible dining. Enjoy hot meals, sandwiches, desserts, and a deli/salad bar, plus a variety of hot and cold drinks.
- Marks & Spencer will offer grab-and-go food options, self-checkout and click and collect.
- Market Express (24/7 store). Co-op stocked store powered by Amazon technology available around the clock. Tap or scan to enter, pick what you need, and walk out without waiting in line.
- Vending machines for you to grab your favourite snacks on the go.
Enjoy a walkthrough of all the facilities available on level 5 by watching this video.
Get enroled to MFA and prevent delays in accessing your accounts
We would like to thank all colleagues who have enroled Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). Enrolment will allow us to help prevent cyberattacks on electronic health records and other systems which pose a risk to patient privacy.
What next for those that have not enabled it?
As previously communicated, those users who have not yet enabled MFA either by self-enrolling or through their Local Administrator (LA) will have had a change in their access to NHSmail. This means staff will need to complete further steps to access their account.
How has the access changed?
Staff who have not taken any action have been moved into a specific group that has a stronger sign in policy, changing their login experience requiring:
- An enhanced password policy including having to reset your password on Monday 2 September and requiring a minimum of 20 characters
- Having to reauthenticate every time your browser is closed and reopened
- Having to reauthenticate every eight hours
- Password expiring every 90 days
Need support to enrol onto MFA?
We will be offering drop-in sessions at the IT department at the following locations to help with the process:
- Trinity House, corridor B, Sandwell, Monday – Friday, 8am – 5pm
- 1st floor, pain management corridor, City, Monday – Friday, 9am – 5pm
- 1st floor, archer ward (admin corridor), Rowley, Monday – Friday, 8.30am – 4pm
There is also a step-by-step user guide available here for members of staff to follow.
For more information please chat with the IT Service Desk.
Drug safety notice: Thiamine Hydrochloride 100mg in 1ml IV and Tenecteplase 25mg powder solution for injection
Thiamine Hydrochloride 100mg in 1ml IV (to replace Pabrinex IV shortage)
- Pabrinex supplies will not be available indefinitely once current reserves run out.
- There are no other licensed parenteral alternatives to Pabrinex intravenous and intramuscular injections.
- Thiamine hydrochloride IV (Thiamine IV) is an unlicensed alternative to Pabrinex for the two indications outlined below (alcohol dependency and preventing refeeding syndrome).
Please see full safety notice including advice, clinical information, dosing and key resources here.
Please see the leaflet for Thiamine Hydrochloride here.
Tenecteplase 25mg powder for solution for injection
- Last Alteplase allocations will be issued August 2024.
- This is due to the arrival of Tenecteplase (Metalyse) 25mg which will become the default option for stroke treatment.
- Supplies of alteplase will be difficult to obtain while there is no allocation available.
Please see full safety notice including advice, actions and resources here.
Agile working question of the week
This week’s agile working question of the week highlights the next set of agile working webinars available to join in September.
Q: Are there any more agile working webinar dates?
A: Yes, additional dates have been scheduled for September. They are listed below and on the Agile working webinars Connect page.
Elements of agile working – environments and flexibility
- 3 September – 10am – 11am – Join the meeting
Elements of agile working – technology
- 4 September – 10am – 11am – Join the meeting
Elements of agile working – culture and collaboration
- 11 September – 10am – 11am – Join the meeting
Elements of agile working – environments and flexibility
- 17 September – 2pm – 3pm – Join the meeting
Elements of agile working – technology
19 September – 2pm – 3pm – Join the meeting
Complete Your Fire Response Team Leader Training
It is essential that all designated fire response team leaders complete their mandatory fire responders training. This training will equip attendees with the necessary knowledge to ensure the safety of colleagues in the event of a fire at Midland Met.
Here are the upcoming training sessions:
- Wednesday, 11 September – 11am.
- Thursday, 19 September – 10am.
- Wednesday, 25 September – 1pm.
If you’re a senior sister, or hospital at night staff member, you should have been invited to the fire response team leader training. If you haven’t, get in touch with Mark Ward, Fire Safety Officer. via Please also email Mark to confirm your attendance in advance.
The training will take place on site at Midland Met. All attendees need to meet at project office reception area 15 minutes before their session begins.
Volunteers needed to stress test the Winter Garden, lifts and stairwells at Midland Met!
As part of the move to our new hospital, we are calling on staff across the Trust to take part in the testing of our lifts, stairwells and the Winter Garden to ensure that both staff and patients can safely navigate around our new hospital. This will take place at MMUH on Wednesday 11 September.
If you would like to be a part of this, please complete the MS form here and ensure that you’ve had your line manager’s approval.
Omnicell Training – End User Compliance
How to become compliant
No ADC & or Smart Cart within Ward Area
Registered Super Users only to coordinate and record locally staff End User sessions and book training rooms via ESR.
- Sandwell – Training Room 1, Lower Ground Floor
- City – Old Oral Surgery, Ground Floor, Main Spine opposite D7
On completion of training the End User is to scan the QR code below and complete all the fields.
Super User or Ward Manager will need to update each ESR record to mark as compliant
ADC & or Smart Cart within Ward Area
Registered Super Users only to coordinate locally staff End User sessions and undertake training.
On completion of training the End User is to scan the QR code and complete all the fields.
Super User or Ward Manager will need to update ESR within 24 hours to record as compliant.
MediSOFT will be replaced with mediSIGHT: Friday 6 September 7.30pm – Monday 9 September 9am
MediSOFT is coming to an end and will no longer be available. This is being replaced by mediSIGHT (same company, different product).
The work is being carried out by our support vendor Medisoft, IT teams and clinical/non-clinical staff in Ophthalmology.
Colleagues who use MediSOFT please note the following:
- MediSOFT will be switched off at 7.30pm on Friday 6 September. At 8.30pm, a read only version of mediSOFT will be available, which will not let you print, edit or add patient data.
- Any patient data from Friday 6 September 2024 7.30pm until Monday 9 September 9am should be added to Unity. For any other areas it might impact, please refer to your business continuity plans.
- Please print anything you need to including batch printing before 7.30pm on Friday 6 September. Ensure you save any records you are working on, as from 7.30pm, all users will be pushed out of mediSOFT and any records that have not been saved will be lost.
- Training content is available here. If you require any further training, please reach out to the training team.
The activity will be closely monitored by Medisoft, IT support teams and staff in BMEC and will be supported by desktop alerts which will be issued from 6pm on Friday 6 September.
As always, should you have any further queries then please do contact the IT Service Desk on ext. 4050 or 0121 507 4050 or via Chat with the IT Service Desk.
MMUH matters – Trust ID and access control cards
As we prepare to move to Midland Metropolitan University Hospital, it’s time to provide all SWB colleagues with their new Trust ID and access control card.
We have a series of roadshows across our SWB sites to make this process as smooth as possible for you.
Security/Admin teams will be located at:
- Sandwell main entrance – main lift lobby: week commencing Monday 2 September – Friday 13 September, 8am to 3.30pm
- City / BMEC – behind City BTC reception: Week commencing Monday 16 September – 9am to 4.30pm
- Rowley Regis outpatients reception desk – opposite main reception: Monday 23 September – Wednesday 25 September, 8am – 3.30pm
- Leasowes – ground floor reception desk: Thursday 26 September – Friday 27 September, 9am – 4.30pm
Evening sessions will take place to capture our evening staff, with locations and times will be communicated later this week,
Please ensure you have completed your centric cortex MMUH induction online module – completion of this will be checked before your new, ID and access card are issued. Your new card will not be activated for MMUH until Sunday 6 October.
You will need to bring along with you your current ID card and your current black/blue fob. You will then be issued with your new card which will be you trust ID card and Access card for access across all SWB sites. We will retain your trust black/blue fob as these will be deactivated during this process.
Your new card will serve as both your Trust ID and access control card across all SWB sites – subject to your current access level.
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