Unity Access Fairs – two days left to attend
September 1, 2019
The Unity team are currently running Access Fairs where you can check that your login details work and that you have the right level of access.
If you can’t log in, or don’t have the right level of access, then the Unity team will get this sorted for you. The whole process should take 10 minutes at most.
Access Fairs will be running every day until 15 September, from 7am to 8pm at the Coffee Pot at Sandwell, and D29 at City. You will need to book onto these sessions and can do so via the following link: http://myconnect.swbh.nhs.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/Access-Fairs-Eventbrite-bookings-1.xlsx (Excel)
There will also be several drop-in sessions taking place across the Trust, which you don’t need to register to attend. They will also run from 7am to 8pm. Details of where and when these sessions are being held can be found here: http://myconnect.swbh.nhs.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/Access-Fairs-Schedule.xlsx (Excel)
Thank you to everyone who has attended an Access Fair so far. If you haven’t already, please make sure you do so over the coming days.
For more information about Access Fairs, or how you can prepare for going live with Unity, please email unity.cutover@nhs.net