Security at City Hospital
November 26, 2024
Following the City Hospital move to Midland Met earlier this month, colleagues will be aware that some services remain on the Dudley Road site, whilst their new accommodation is completed. What this means is that there will be a period of temporary adjustment for some staff as they continue to provide their normal service in their usual environment. Unfortunately, due to the scale of services that have moved, leaving small numbers behind and the ongoing decommissioning work that is running in parallel, we are asking all staff to be extra vigilant about unauthorised access of our largely vacant estate.
We have increased security with the site patrolled 24 hours a day, and are working with an external security provider that specialise in securing vacant buildings. We have a number of resources that can be deployed, including quick response mobile units and trained dog handlers. This is to protect our staff and buildings whilst we continue the process of moving out. Unfortunately, security have already had to remove unauthorised visitors from site and are adopting a zero-tolerance stance to those who deliberately flaunt trespassing laws. There is a greater safety concern to unauthorised tours of our estate, where in the event of an incident we have no way of knowing who might need rescuing from a dangerous situation. The basement in particular has many hazards to navigate including old plant and low ceilings. It is simply not an option to accommodate sightseeing in such an environment. The Trust press office has taken and declined a number of requests to visit and record images of what we have vacated, as we are not in a position to safely accommodate.
In order to ensure safety and support security we ask that colleagues do not contribute to the issue of unauthorised access by opening secured fenced off areas – we have seen this happen merely to provide staff short cuts – and be extra vigilant on tailgating when you move through staff only areas in the hospital. CCTV remains in place and where we identify offenders we will take action.