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Rapid respiratory virus testing

December 27, 2024

The Hot lab at Midland Met offers rapid testing for influenza, RSV and COVID-19.

The turnaround time is 24 hours from the time the sample reaches the lab. Colleagues are advised to send samples via the purple bags as seen here. 

There is an allocation of 50 tests per day from 8 am to 8pm. Priority will be given to AE, AMU, ICU, paediatrics (CAU) and C3 (respiratory hub) departments. Once the allocation has been used, samples will be sent to the Wolverhampton lab, which will be a longer turnaround time.

Colleagues are asked to not send routine extended respiratory viral screen PCR unless discussed and agreed with the consultant microbiologist.

Purple bags can be requested from the logistics team and via the current ordering process or contact the team or by calling 07483412895