Rainbow of Kindness
June 12, 2020
Many Trusts are creating memories of COVID-19 due to the far reaching impact that it has had on so many of our families, colleagues, teams and communities. People have made amazing contributions in extraordinary times. We would like to create a Rainbow of Kindness to reflect so many stories that have appeared throughout the past few months. It is really important to us that we get as many colleagues as possible to contribute to this. Your stories of kindness will be used to create a rainbow that will be displayed across our sites.
You can share your stories of kindness either by email or in writing. Postcards to capture these will be circulated shortly or in the meantime a sheet has been included in today’s QIHD pack that can be printed and written on.
Please send your stories to Claire Hubbard either by internal post to Trust HQ or email Claire.hubbard2@nhs.net.