NHS England Race Equality Strategy – engagement and consultation
August 10, 2021
NHS England is developing a long term race equality strategy for the NHS.
The aim is to establish standards for advancing race equality, eliminating discrimination and fostering good relations in the NHS. The strategy is aligned with Model Employer (2019), the NHS Long Term Plan (2019) and the People Plan 20/21 among others.
It is expected to be published in October 2021.
As defined by the Equality Act 2010, race covers every single one of us. Race includes colour, nationality, ethnic or national origins. NHS staff, bank and agency workers, arm’s length bodies, staff side, professional organisations, ICS/STP are invited to contribute.
You can contribute using an online form https://forms.office.com/r/gF0BicjRHa (closing date 12 September). There will also be an engagement and listening event. Contact Olivia.King6@nhs.net to attend.