National Pay Award – Considerations for colleagues receiving Universal Credit
May 19, 2023
The NHS Staff Council has endorsed the agreed-upon pay offer between the government and trade unions. This will now be implemented for staff employed on the NHS Terms and Conditions of Service. This offer includes two non-consolidated additional payments for the year 2022/23 that eligible staff can expect to receive as part of their pay in June 2023.
It is recognised that it may be preferable for some individuals to receive these payments in multiple instalments (i.e. paid across several months) rather than together in a single lump sum. An example of this might be when individuals receive Universal Credit payments, where any changes to monthly income will directly impact the value of these payments.
Step 1: Staff would need to consider the potential impacts of spreading the payments across multiple months. For example, if an individual claims Universal Credit, any lump sum or backdated earnings may affect how much Universal Credit is received in the month they are paid. Please see this Universal Credit guidance for further information.
Colleagues should access appropriate advice before submitting a request (for example, through the Universal Credit helpline or Citizens Advice) to understand how receiving these payments in multiple instalments may impact their situation.
Step 2: Consider the timeframe over which payments should be spread based on advice received at step 1 on their situation, subject to a maximum of 10 instalments (maximum ten based on the end of the tax year). Once selected, this cannot be amended. If you leave prior to the end of the instalment period, all outstanding instalments will be paid in the final salary payment.
Step 3: Any colleague wishing to take up this option must complete the details in the pay award spreadsheet and email across to, requests should be made as soon as possible and by Thursday 1 June 2023 to ensure payroll deadlines are met.
For more information on the NHS Pay Award, please read these FAQs: NHS pay deal in England – frequently asked questions | NHS Employers
Note: This guidance refers to substantive staff only, Bank staff will not receive the non-consolidation payments.
Due to the tight timescales and additional work required, requests received after this date will not be actioned. Only complete spreadsheets will be accepted.