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Message for roster managers: Are you recording absence and sickness correctly?

May 4, 2023

It is imperative that we ensure that all sickness has been recorded correctly and accurately in the HealthRoster system. We have noticed that some sickness episodes are not being ended or extended in a timely manner which could result in overpayment or underpayment for those who are currently off sick.

If you have a colleague who is currently still off sick and has not returned to work please ensure that you tick the open ended box which is available when you go in and edit that sickness episode (edit unavailability, this tick box will only be available where you have a sickness end date in the future, you may need to extend the end date for the tick box to be visible). By using the open ended feature this information will allow ESR to understand whether this sickness is still open or ended thus allowing the correct sick pay to be calculated.

Please see below screenshot of the open ended tick box.

If you have been using the open ended tick box and colleagues have returned back from sickness, please edit the sickness episode and untick this box and enter the correct end date of the colleague returning to work. Please ensure you tick the return to work interview box and add a interview date.

Note: Open ended should only be ticked where colleagues are still on sick leave and you are unsure of the return-to-work date, this will include anyone who has provided you with a sick note or those who may be on long term sick.

Finalising sickness: All sickness episodes must be finalised on the roster. This will include ended sickness episodes and open-ended sickness episodes.

If you have any queries please email