Lyndon 4 ward closed due to Norovirus
January 16, 2020
Due to confirmed cases of Norovirus on Lyndon 4, the ward remains closed to new admissions.
To minimise the spread of the virus, all colleagues are reminded of the importance of our infection control procedures, with a particular focus on hand washing.
Colleague restrictions are in place and only essential health care staff should visit wards during periods of increased incidence/outbreaks.
Student nurses should remain on the affected wards and not leave them to attend teaching sessions elsewhere. No medical students are allowed on affected areas. Each team/specialist/discipline should devise a plan to allow safe working whilst wards or bays are closed to reduce the risk of transmission.
Colleagues are advised to:
- Wash their hands thoroughly using soap and water and drying them after using the toilet, before preparing food and eating.
- Don’t rely on alcohol gels as these do not kill the virus.
- Colleagues should not return to work until 48 hours after their last symptom.
Managers are advised to:
- Report multiple cases of vomiting and/or diarrhoea in their team to infection control.
For more information please contact ext. 5900 or email or refer to guidance on Connect.