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Living with COVID-19 – Changing our approach and managing the risk

June 14, 2022

COVID-19 has tested the resolve of colleagues across the NHS and continues to impact services, however it is clear that we now need to plan for the long term and change our approach to dealing with COVID-19.

From Monday 20 June, we will be moving to our next stage of stepping down more of our restrictions to ensure that our response remains reasonable and proportionate to the risk.

Listed below are full details of our latest ‘Living with COVID-19’ guidance.

1. Mask wearing  (FRSM or FFP3 depending on circumstances)

Staff – masks are no longer a mandated requirement however they are required in the following situations:

  • Masks still to be accessible for those who choose to wear them or when mask wearing is in-line with an individual risk assessment.
  • Masks should be worn when caring for a COVID-19 confirmed or suspected positive patient alongside PPE appropriate to the task being undertaken. This includes within the side room where there is a COVID-19 positive patient (not within the rest of the ward if patients have not tested positive for COVID-19) and within a red ward.
  • Respiratory care pathways/wards (including wards with outbreaks of respiratory infection).
  • Areas where there are untriaged patients whose COVID-19 status is unknown such as A&E, UTC and primary care.
  • Haem-oncology wards such as SCAT, D12, Medical Infusion Suite.
  • Renal wards.
  • When undertaking an AGP and patient is of unknown status or COVID positive then a FFP3 fit tested mask should be worn.
  • Where there are outbreaks of COVID-19 or respiratory outbreaks such as flu.
  • Ensure appropriate mask/PPE selection in line with the task that is being undertaken or as required to support transmission-based precautions.

Masks no longer need to be worn in the following areas, unless it is the staff member’s preference or requested to do so by patient or staff member:

  • Clinical areas apart from those listed above.
  • Non-patient facing areas such as laboratories, education centres and offices.
  • Corridors and other public areas.

Wearing of Masks – Patients

  • Patients with no respiratory symptoms including in outpatient clinics and waiting areas are no longer required to wear a surgical mask.
  • Suspected or confirmed COVID-19 patients should be offered a mask if clinically able to tolerate on admission and on transfer to other clinical areas.

2. Visiting / attending appointments

  • Current visiting arrangements to continue:
    • Patients can now receive up to two visitors per day for one hour. A child can attend as one of the two visitors and remains the responsibility of the parent/guardian.
    • Visiting appointments must continue to be booked with the ward, as they are currently. Visiting hours are between 11am – 7pm.
    • Patients attending the Emergency department or outpatient clinics can be accompanied by a visitor.
  • Visitors are asked to refrain from attending sites even for appointments if they are unwell and experiencing COVID-19 symptoms.
  • Visitors are no longer required to wear masks with the exception of high-risk areas such as haem-oncology, respiratory care wards and where confirmed/suspected patients are cared for (see above list).

3. Social Distancing – 1 metre social distancing should continue where possible.

4. Outpatient and community clinics – Masks no longer required unless COVID-19 is suspected and no need for additional time between patients. Clinics can return to pre-covid capacity.

5. COVID-19 testing arrangements

Staff Testing – Lateral flow testing to continue for all patient facing staff twice weekly, however weekly lateral flow testing is now not necessary for non-patient facing staff with immediate effect.

Patient testing – Continue with current arrangements of testing on admission and on day 3, day 7 and day 13.

Contact Patients – Do not move asymptomatic contacts from their bed/ward and monitor contacts as per the recommended testing pathway.

COVID-19 positive patients – Continue with current arrangements of lateral flow testing at day 6 and day 7 or at times of capacity concerns where a site / sites are at level 4. In these circumstances lateral flow testing can be done at day 4 and day 5.

6. Ventilation – Risk assessment to be reviewed, to maintain the current strategy for ventilation with the provision of HEPA units in poorly ventilated areas.