How ‘fraud aware’ are you?
October 11, 2022
Fraud is estimated to cost the NHS more than £1 billion each year – enough money to pay for over 40,000 staff nurses, or to purchase over 5,000 frontline ambulances. Many would be shocked to learn that some people, fortunately a small minority, seek to gain by targeting taxpayer funds that are meant for patient care – particularly at a time when NHS resources are under significant pressure.
Take the time to complete the Fraud Culture Review Survey. This replaces the annual fraud survey and is designed to get a better insight in to the tolerance levels of staff, and how they feel the organisation responds to allegations.
Gifts and hospitality – Do you know what to do?
You may be offered gifts from patients, families, service users, contractors or suppliers or people that have no connection to the NHS.
Do you know what can and cannot be accepted?
Your responses are submitted directly to RSM and treated in strictest confidence. No responses will be shared with Trust management at an identifiable level.