GDPR is coming: Guidance, mythbusters and updates
May 11, 2018
As you’re all aware, GDPR is coming. GDPR is a replacement law for the Data Protection Act called the General Data Protection Regulation.
Over the next few weeks we will be releasing regular guidance, mythbusters and updates on GDPR and the organisations position.
Guidance #1 Access to Records (subject access requests):
Anyone can request copies of their personal information from us and if we hold this information we have to release it.
Under GDPR the time we have to respond to these requests has now decreased from 40 days to 30 days, and we are no longer allowed to charge for the majority of requests.
Colleagues need to be aware that if you receive a request from a patient or third party for access to health records or other personal information this must be forwarded immediately upon receipt to the following:
- For anyone (this can include solicitors / staff / patients / 3rd parties) who are requesting access to medical information / records email
- For anyone (this can include staff / solicitors / 3rd parties) who is requesting access to their personal information (e.g. personnel files, investigation paperwork, pay details) email
- Colleagues have the right (under SWBH policies) to request to view their personnel file via their line managers if they wish to do so.
It is important that requests are forwarded immediately so that they can be logged and reviewed.
If you are unsure please call or email the information governance team on 0121 507 4681 or the governance support unit on 0121 507 5836.