Drug Shortage Notice: Sodium Bicarbonate Polyfusor
April 6, 2020
Sodium bicarbonate 1.26%, 1.40%, 2.74% and 8.4% Polyfusors are due to be out of stock between early April and late October 2020.
The 4.2% Polyfusor is currently available but quantities in the supply chain are not sufficient to bridge this gap.
- Sodium bicarbonate for intravenous infusion is licensed for the treatment of metabolic acidosis and rapid urine alkalinisation.
- The volume, strength and rate of infusion will depend upon the requirements of individual patients. In less urgent forms of metabolic acidosis, an average dose for adults and older children is 2-5 mmol of bicarbonate per kg bodyweight, given over 4-8 hours. Subsequent doses should be adjusted to the individual patients’ requirements.2
- Sodium bicarbonate 1.26% and 1.4% are suitable for peripheral administration. In non-emergencies, concentrations over 1.4% should be given via a central venous access device but in emergencies, higher concentrations (4.2% and 8.4%) may be given peripherally.
Please read the attached guidance for further information:Â Sodium Bicarbonate Polyfusor Shortage