COVID-19 Bulletin: Friday 22 January
January 22, 2021
In today’s COVID-19 bulletin
- Kindness, civility and respect are crucial to beating COVID-19
- Your wellbeing counts
- Grief is not a taboo subject
- Drug safety notice: Methylprednisolone injections
- Don’t delay, get your vaccination….this weekend
1. New – Kindness, civility and respect are crucial to beating COVID-19
Lets face it, the last 12 months have taken their toll on everyone, from the portering colleagues who have walked endless miles helping move patients between wards, the imaging and diagnostic colleagues who have battled to keep scanners working around the clock to the AHPs, HCAs, Nurses and Doctors at the frontline battling to keep patients safe and well. Everyone has worked incredibly hard to keep our hospitals running and our patients and colleagues safe.
When we started our response to COVID-19, we were clear that ‘kindness’ was our watchword, regardless of changes to plans, pathways, processes or treatments. That promise still remains, but we need to be mindful that alongside the kindness and compassion we show our patients, we remain civil and respectful to all.
Whilst you may feel that you are stressed, overcome with emotion and tired, we urge everyone to remain kind, civil and respectful to each other. Remember, our Trust can only work well if everyone plays their part and throughout the past 12 months, every single department and volunteer has been exceptional.
It’s ok not to be ok, but please do remember, there are lots of resources available to support you, and if you think there is more that can be done, speak up and we will do our utmost to support.
2. New – Your wellbeing counts
Whilst you look after the patients, it’s our job to make sure we look after you. Hopefully by now you will be aware of and have had the opportunity to use the catering vouchers that were circulated. By no means does this solve or repay the blood, sweat and tears that’s been put in to keeping our patients safe, but we hope that the provisions go some way to supporting those of you who we know are working long shifts.
If you haven’t already discovered them, across our Trust we have a number of rest areas that you can use to relax and unwind during your shift. This list of rest areas on Connect is not definitive, so please do speak to your line manager if you don’t know where your nearest rest area is. You may also consider taking advantage of our energy pods to help you recharge. We have three state of the art energy pods available in AMU and maternity at City and at Sandwell.
The groups are also currently collating ideas regarding what you would like to see to aid your wellbeing. If you feel that there is something that could really help the wellbeing of your team then please email and the team will consider your request.
3. New – Grief is not a taboo subject
Grief is absolutely not a taboo subject in our Trust, we are well aware that colleagues are working in areas where there are incredibly unwell patients who we work hard to stabilise and support, and the grief that colleagues can experience when you lose a patient can be difficult to overcome. However there is help available.
Alongside the national resources that we shared yesterday, remember you can always contact Occupational Health and you can always talk to your manager or colleagues.
Contact Occupational Health on 0121 507 3306
Confidential support by phone
- General: 0800 06 96 222 (7am-11pm)
- Bereavement: 0300 303 4434 (8am-8pm)
Support by text message
- Text ‘FRONTLINE’ to 85258 – 24 hours a day, seven days a week
4. New – Drug safety notice: Methylprednisolone injections
There is currently insufficient supply in the UK of all strengths of Methylprednisolone injections. We urge clinicians to review all patients on Methylprednisolone for acute respiratory distress syndrome in critically ill COVID-19 patients and switch to an alternative steroid.
Please see methylpred shortage information sheet for further details.
For more information please contact the pharmacy department (City ext. 5263, Sandwell ext. 3783).
5. Reminder – Don’t delay, get your vaccination….this weekend
If you are yet to get your first dose of the COVID vaccination you can do so this weekend. There are currently available vaccination slots that are open to all colleagues. All you have to do is call the booking team on 0121 507 4112.
Please note that this is only for those colleagues who are yet to receive their first dose. Secondary doses will be available 12 weeks following the first dose.
You will be asked some simple pre – screening questions when booking your appointment which are listed below:
- Have you had any type of COVID-19 vaccination already?
- Are you currently unwell with a fever?
- Have you ever had a significant allergic reaction to a vaccine, medicine or food (such as previous history of anaphylactoid reaction or those who have been advised to carry an adrenaline auto-injector)?
- Are you pregnant or planning to be pregnant within the next 2 months?
- Have you had any other vaccinations in the last 7 days, particularly the flu vaccination
- Have you had a COVID positive test within the past 28 days?
- Do you have a bleeding disorder e.g. haemophilia?
If you answer YES to any questions you may require a more in depth consultation which will determine if we are able to offer you the Pfizer vaccine.
You may be advised to contact Occupational Health Department or your GP for further advice.
6. Reminder – Donning, Doffing, Do’s & Don’ts
It’s been a while since we reminded colleagues on the proper procedures to put on (Don) and to remove (Doff) PPE, but with the recent updates to the guidance it’s critical that colleagues pay close attention to the proper processes.
The order in which you don and doff your PPE is incredibly important, whilst you may have been protected whilst wearing the PPE, colleagues who are careless when doffing PPE can put themselves at risk of harm and at risk of infection if potentially infected PPE is not removed in the right way.
The following posters and videos highlight the right way to don and to doff. Please do take the time to remind yourself and refresh your memory.
- Putting on PPE (Donning)
- Removal of PPE (Doffing)
- Quick guide – putting on (donning) personal protective equipment (PPE)
- Quick guide – removal of (doffing) personal protective equipment (PPE)