Countdown to 2020
December 15, 2019
Our campaign to get our patients home over the festive period has started.
Additional schemes have been set up to help including:
- Community in-reach to ED
- Additional therapy input for assessments (many that can be done in the community rather than waiting in hospital
- Think Glucose assessment as an outpatient appointment with daily rounds earlier in the day
- Additional transport crews
- Hot clinics for certain specialties where specialty review is required for a patient. These can be booked for the following day in most cases, saving patients staying a night in hospital
We are aiming to discharge a further six patients each day at Sandwell and three patients each day at City every day (including weekends and bank holidays) over Christmas and New Year.
Speak to your ward manager, matron, consultant or duty CNP for support.
There should be no barriers to discharge so let’s try and get our patients home!