Black Country and West Birmingham Long Term Plan Staff Survey
April 9, 2019
Across the Black Country and West Birmingham, health and care organisations are working together to create a plan to show how we will meet the ambition set out in the nationally published Long Term Plan. The Long Term Plan sets out what the NHS wants to do better, including making it easier for people to access support closer to home and via technology, doing more to help people stay well, and providing better support for people with cancer, mental health conditions, heart and lung diseases, long-term conditions, such as diabetes and arthritis, learning disabilities and autism, and for people as they get older and experience conditions such as dementia. If you would like to view the Long Term Plan you can do so online.
By getting feedback from as many people as possible we can see what is working well and what needs to be improved. Along with our work we doing with local Healthwatch organisations to get the views of local people, we want to hear from you, our staff, on what we should be doing to make care better for the people we serve. Including:
- How would you help people live healthier lives?
- What would make health services better?
- How would you make it easier for people to take control of their own health and wellbeing?
- What would you do to make support better for people with long-term conditions?
We also recognise that if we are to meet the challenges we face we need to have a workforce that is happy, healthy and ready to meet the future needs of our populations. Your views on this are key for our planning.
Please take a few minutes to share your views and help us plan for improved health and care
You can answer the survey before the 30 April using the link below.