Breaking down barriers – Domestic Abuse Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
November 26, 2024
Between Monday 25 November – 10 December there is 16 days of action against domestic abuse aims to raise awareness of abuse and signposting to vital support services. Together, we can make a difference.
As an NHS Trust we have an important role to consider the diversity of communities when supporting those experiencing domestic abuse and
Break down barriers people may face to disclosing, reporting or accessing support or domestic abuse.
Specific groups experience additional barriers to accessing support: disabled people, older adults, Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic and Refugee backgrounds and LGBTQ+.
Barriers include but not limited to:
- Discrimination
- Social stigmas
- Isolation and shame
- Language barriers
- Immigration status can hinder some minority women’s ability to access support.
- Limited disabled spaces in refuges.
Disabled victims also experienced barriers in seeking help if their abuser was also their carer, and in accessing support for complex care needs.
Actions to consider:
- Listening to the victim/survivor and believing them. It is also crucial to allow the victim/survivor the chance to set their own terms on how they want to be supported.
- Ensure you can communicate in a way that meets the needs of the victim/survivor– for example, using interpreting including services for hard of hearing or deaf service users. Where possible (and safe to do so) give the options in writing.
- Ensure the victim/survivor have access to an independent service for British Sign Language (BSL) and other translation services.
- Tailor services to meet needs of LGBT+ survivors e.g. undertake routine monitoring, ask sexual orientation / gender identity rather than making assumptions.
- Support the victim/survivor understand their rights and feel empowered.
- Support and empower the victim/survivor and challenge discrimination, prejudices and racism.
For further information, advice and/or support, contact our internal teams:
The Trust’s Domestic Abuse policy has been updated and can be accessed:Domestic-Abuse-Policy-ORG095-SWBH.pdf
Hospital Independent Domestic Violence Advisors (IDVA): email:
Tel: 07967843879 or 07866004529
Safeguarding Children/Maternity safeguarding: Tele: 0121 507 2844.
Domestic Abuse Nurses/ Sandwell MASH Health, email: 0121 569 7223.
Safeguarding Adults email:
Local domestic abuse services:
Black Country Women’s Aid Tel: 0121 553 0090
Home – Black Country Womens Aid
Birmingham LGBT Centre provide a range of support services for LGBT victims 0121 643 0821
email: @birminghamlgbt
Domestic abuse – Galop the LGBT+ anti-abuse charity – Galop – 0800 999 5428
Contact us – National Domestic Abuse Helpline – 0808 2000 247
Age UK Advice Line: Free national helpline for older people | Age UK 0800 678 1602
The Silver Line Helpline 0800 4 70 80 90
RNID – National hearing loss charity UK charity supporting deaf people and those with hearing loss and tinnitus – 0808 808 0123 or text 0780 0000 360
Domestic Abuse Information and Service Details – SignHealth sign-language based service for survivors of domestic abuse – 020 3947 2601 or Text ONLY 07800003421
RNIB | Homepage of the Royal National Institute of Blind People 03031239999
Home – Southall Black Sisters 020 8571 0800
About us | FORWARD Phone: +44 (0)208 960 4000, extension 1
Mobile: 07834 168 141