Have your say on patient care
July 3, 2024
As part of the PSIRF processes, all NHS organisations were required to review their data and identify the top four themes to focus on in the financial year 2024/25. After reviewing a range of data sources, including incident data, complaints, learning from deaths, audits, Freedom to Speak Up themes, CQC data, legal claims, inquests, and national data, SWB has identified the following four themes for focus:
- Medication prescribing
- Recognition of the deteriorating patient
- Vulnerable adults – focusing on mental capacity assessment/management
- Discharge and transfer processes
We are inviting experience in these areas. What stops you from delivering the care you want to provide to our patients? We understand that improvements in systems and processes could support you in delivering care more effectively, and we need your input to make these improvements.
Please click here to share your thoughts and ideas. Your feedback is invaluable in helping us understand the issues and barriers you face in providing patient care.
Note: The closing date for feedback Sunday 14 July.
For more information and everything PSIRF, please visit the PSIRF Connect page or email swbh.patientsafety@nhs.net.
Thank you for your commitment to patient safety!