DID you know…? Only 12% of patients in September had their nursing needs assessed using the SCP template
February 11, 2022
The SCP nursing template is designed specifically to ensure we are assessing and meeting the needs of patients who are dying and their families. Please ask your end of life care ward champion for your quick reference guide, collect a copy from the Education Centre or use eCoach in Unity to learn how.
Initiation of the Supportive Care Plan (SCP) is done by the medical team responsible for the patient’s care by populating the initial medical assessment in the workflow, including medical condition, patient and family’s understanding and wishes for the future including preferences about onward care. There will then be a flag assigned to that patient highlighting the need to ensure excellent supportive and palliative care.
Nursing care should then be documented using the SCP shift assessment to guide symptom assessment and family/carer support in the same workflow. SCP ward round notes will then pull info from nursing shift reviews and reviews to keep information together and reduce time inputting information.
For more information see the connected palliative care pages. For training, use eCoach in Unity or collect your quick reference guide either from your end of life care champion on your ward, or from the Education Centre.