Are you a cleaning champion?
January 10, 2022
The Cleaning for Confidence campaign, led by the Midlands’ Nursing and Workforce team, helps to stop the spread of COVID-19 by encouraging colleagues to become cleaning champions with a 20-minute e-learning programme designed to further their knowledge of good cleaning practice.
Keeping NHS premises safe and clean for our patients is a key and shared commitment, and this has never been more important than now. A clean workplace is our first and best defence in stopping the spread of COVID-19 and other infections. Tackling nosocomial (heathcare associated) infections is vital to ensure that the NHS remains safe and efficient. Every person within the NHS family has a part to play in maintaining that commitment to keeping people safe.
You can access the Cleaning for Confidence e-learning programme by clicking here. It has been developed by NHS England and NHS Improvement’s Midlands Region team, drawing on staff experiences and supported by Health Education England.
This 20-minute programme promotes further knowledge of good cleaning practice and the personal precautions needed to ensure the risk of environmental transmission both for patients and staff is reduced. This aims to help stop the spread of COVID-19 and, as always, reinforcing other behaviours that can help minimise the outbreak of other infections.