Change to the coroners portal referral process
December 2, 2021
There has been a change to the link to access the coroners web portal.
The process is the same and no user name and password is required to login as you just require a referrers code.
You will access the link as you did previously via the coroners web page and the red box which says ‘Web Portal’. As soon as you click it you will be into a referrers details which is the first page of the referral process.
Note: At the end of this page you will need to input a referrers code and for you the code which is SANDHOSP01.
The reason for these changes is to make navigation easier as you will be presented with more helpful information throughout the process. There is also an add file facility so medical documents can be uploaded directly to the coroner case management system. You will receive an immediate response back with copy of referral detailing all the input information for your records.