Support victims of domestic abuse by becoming a champion
August 17, 2021
The Trust has a dedicated network of colleagues (safeguarding nurses and independent domestic violence advocates) who are responsible for supporting and safeguarding victims of domestic abuse and their children. Our domestic abuse nurses are setting up the SWB Domestic Abuse Champions Network to assist with our work in raising awareness and ensuring that victims and their children can access expert advice and support.
Could you be a domestic abuse champion?
There will be a domestic abuse champion in each area across our workplace who can offer advice and signposting. They will update their area on current services and ensure information and resources are maintained.
Domestic abuse champions are not…
Domestic abuse is a complex safeguarding area, domestic abuse champions will not be expected to take on the role or responsibility of case-holder, undertake any of the specialist intervention provided by the independent domestic violence advocates or act as a substitute for seeking advice from the safeguarding named nurses or domestic abuse lead nurses.
How can you benefit?
Training will be provided to equip you with the knowledge to raise awareness in your local area. There will be meetings held which will enable the sharing of updates, to offer supervision and for sharing of good practice. There is the opportunity to contribute to positive outcomes for vulnerable individuals.
To register your interest in becoming a domestic abuse champion or for further information, please contact email or 07970 993875 by Thursday 30 September, 5pm.