Helping managers to support and manage attendance at work/sickness absence (online training)
October 23, 2020
To support managers to understand and implement the revised ‘Attendance at Work (Sickness Absence) Policy’, an online training course has been developed. It’s important that all managers and supervisors responsible for managing sickness absence / attendance undertake this online training and that all modules are completed. The course will take approximately one hour to complete.
Below is guidance on how to register with the e-learning system and access the training. You may already have registered, as it is the same system that has been used for Unity and COVID eLearning (Centric Cortex). If not it only takes a few short, simple steps to register.
Attendance at Work Sickness Absence Online Training – Guide to register
When you have worked through all of the modules, please be sure to complete the course sign-off module, as this will then credit you with having completed the training.
Also remember we have a range of supporting documents available on Connect, including FAQs, key changes briefing paper and template documents. These can be accessed via the following link