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Expected High Temperatures

April 18, 2018

Please be aware of the potential impact of the current temperatures upon a patient’s condition.

Factors which increase an individual’s risk during a heatwave include:

  • Chronic and severe illness, including heart conditions, diabetes, respiratory or renal insufficiency, Parkinson’s disease or severe mental illness.
  • Medications that potentially affect renal function, the body’s ability to sweat, thermoregulation or electrolyte balance can make this group more vulnerable to the effects of heat.
  • Inability to adapt behaviour to keep cool: having Alzheimer’s, a disability, being bed bound, babies and the very young.

Actions to be taken include the following:

  • Minimising heat increase by drawing blinds or curtains.
  • Where possible switch off anything connected to the power system and likely to produce heat eg computers, printers, additional lighting.
  • Maintaining hydration in patients.
  • Ensure that discharge planning takes into account the temperature of the accommodation and level of daily care during the heatwave period.