Number of our patients confirmed with COVID-19 during the pandemic |
Number of positive COVID-19 patients who have been discharged during the pandemic |
Number of patients who have died in our hospitals who tested positive for COVID-19 during the pandemic |
Number of patients entered by the Trust into a COVID-19 research trial to date |
Number of COVID-19 positive patients who are inpatients with us today |
Number of our staff absent due to ill-health or isolation today |
(1232) |
(809) |
(346) |
(127) |
(77) |
(611) |
1. Alcohol team offers seven day service
Our award-winning Alcohol care team is now operating as a seven-day service during the pandemic. The unit has seen an increase in referrals which normally come through our Emergency Departments, as a direct result of the nationwide lockdown.
The Alcohol Care service is now operating as a seven days during the pandemic.
Patients are presenting with a number of alcohol-related health problems including alcohol withdrawal seizures, overdoses and alcohol intoxication. A number of patients who were previously abstinent following treatment from the alcohol care team relapsed during lock down, but most of these have stopped drinking again with support and advice from the team. Colleagues who think they have a patient who needs help from the service can phone ext 5074 or select “requests” on Unity and type in Alcohol to raise a referral.
2. Risk assessments for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) colleagues
A Chief-Executive-led review meeting was held with 25 senior clinicians from many disciplines, to discuss risks associated with BAME colleagues working within our Trust. As a result of this, a number of outcomes will be announced at the end of this week in relation to how we will risk assess staff and ensure that infection control practices are followed in blue areas, as much as in red COVID-19 positive areas.
A revised risk assessment tool is being finalised and will lead to defined choices about who works where, and whether enhanced PPE is available for higher risk employees. This personalisation of PPE will need to be led by data and evidence, but it is our direction of travel as we look to make sure that we keep people safe and manage the understandable fear that many have at this time. As before, if you are dissatisfied with the risk assessment guiding your work or PPE, you can contact your line manager, HR on ext 3116, or email Toby Lewis, Chief Executive.
3. Uniforms – please cover up outside
Colleagues are reminded that uniforms are used to protect and identify staff as well as protect patients, and during the pandemic it is especially important that all staff who wear a uniform, strictly follow the uniform policy. This means that if you have to wear your uniform whilst travelling home from work, you must cover it up so it is not identifiable, and if you must leave the site during your lunch break for a cigarette – you must ensure your uniform is completely covered. The Trust has been receiving complaints from our neighbours about seeing staff smoking on our boundary lines, which gives a poor impression of the Trust to onlookers. Uniform must absolutely not be worn outside whilst shopping. You can find the Uniform Policy on Connect here.
4. BMEC access for patients
Patients attending the Birmingham and Midland Eye Centre (BMEC) have been able to access care safely through our blue and red streams. Those needing emergency care are given a well-publicised helpline number and are screened for COVID-19 symptoms before being triaged into a red or blue area. The blue entrance for the Emergency Department is the main entrance into the building. Those who are attending ED with COVID-19 symptoms are asked to attend via the former ambulance entrance on the left hand side of the building (pictured top left).
Access for those who are symptom-free and attending an outpatient appointment, is via the courtyard entrance to the right of the building. Patients are given a password during a telephone screening conversation, the day prior to their appointment.
(Clockwise, from top left): The red ED entrance, blue ED access, blue outpatient entrance via the courtyard, inside the blue ED waiting area.
Those who attend, who have not undergone a telephone screening conversation, will have the full screening process undertaken at the blue door by a member of staff before being directed to the correct care pathway. The BMEC helpline is: 0121 507 4440.
5. Working From Home (WFH) – guidance to be issued on Wednesday
Further guidance on WFH will be issued on Wednesday, 27 May which will outline the next phase of how we will continue to deliver our services safely with a continued emphasis on infection control and on social distancing. This will replace the previous guidance. It is really important that we make it simple and rewarding to work from home, fair on those who do, and those who don’t – and we support people managing those who WFH. Please remember to talk now to your line manager about your annual leave plans so that we can make sure any recovery services we set up run smoothly and we keep our promises to our patients.
PDRs can be done by WebEx! |