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Heartbeat: Compassionate nurses receive commendation from national charity

January 6, 2020

Maya Angelou famously once said ‘Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud.’ At a difficult time for Karon and her family, Corrine and Fran became their rainbows by providing unwavering support to create precious memories that will last a lifetime.

In September 2018, Karon gave birth to her daughter, Katie-Ann. Sadly she was diagnosed with Edwards’ syndrome, Dandy-Walker syndrome and three holes in her heart. At just over 10 weeks old, Katie-Ann gained her baby wings leaving an irreplaceable void in her family’s lives.

It was during Karon’s time at City Hospital that she met Neonatal Sister, Corrine Dacosta and Advanced Neonatal Nurse, Fran Wooton. Karon recalls how both Corrine and Fran ‘went above and beyond the call of duty’ to give her family special moments that they will cherish forever. She said: “Corrine and Fran supported us so much through the three weeks my daughter was on the unit. These two ladies were an absolute pleasure to come across in our lives.”

Karon described how Corrine always asked to have Katie-Ann as her patient when she was on duty. She did everything she could to keep Katie-Ann happy and at ease. Providing continuity in care gave comfort to Karon and her family when they needed it the most.

Fran arranged for Katie-Ann, Karon and her family to enjoy a picnic outside of the hospital grounds. Coming in on her day off especially Fran accompanied them and arranged balloons, banners, food and gifts.

Karon commented: “It’s a memory I will never forget. She tried to make as if we were having a family hour to ourselves, it was amazing.”

Both Corrine and Fran received an award from Soft UK, a charity that supports families affected by Edwards’ syndrome and related disorders. Paula Gardner, Chief Nurse said: “The kindness and care shown by Corrine and Fran is something that defines our organisation. They both showed great compassion and we’re lucky to have such empathetic, kind-hearted colleagues in our workplace.”