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Insulin safety week: Think glucose, think insulin

May 24, 2019

Insulin safety week aims to raise awareness of all things insulin related but more importantly, raise awareness about reducing insulin errors, in particular – insulin safety among healthcare professionals.

Here are some tips for increasing your knowledge and keeping safe when using insulin therapy:

  • The Trust requires that all those involved in prescribing and administering insulin complete the ‘6 steps to insulin safety’ module on Quest or online
  • There are many types of insulin available. You can find a list of compatible insulins and their action profile in policies and guidelines
  • Insulin must be prescribed on the correct insulin prescription chart.
  • Ensure insulin is given at the correct time. All quick acting (e.g. Apidra) and mixed insulins 9e.g. Humulin M3) are given at a mealtime before patient starts eating unless otherwise instructed.
  • Never omit long acting insulin, even when the patient is on intravenous insulin. Long acting insulin dose can be reduced when there’s a concern regarding hypoglycaemia. If long acting insulin has been omitted escalate immediately and complete an IR1.
  • Always use the correct insulin safety pen needle when administering insulin and ensure safe disposal.
  • Consider your discharge plan – who will administer insulin following discharge?
  • Ensure patient is provided a supply of insulin pen needles on discharge.
  • Variable Rate Intravenous Insulin Infusion (VRIII) is not needed if the patient is eating.
  • Know how to refer to Think Glucose via ICM