Returning NHSSC items
April 17, 2019
With immediate effect NHSSC are restricting items that are returned to them for a refund. Any items which have a “blue diamond” or “purple e” symbol next to them on the ordering page cannot be returned. With this in mind, please ensure you are ordering the correct item and quantity.
With regards to standard stock items held in the NHSSC warehouse the following criteria has to be meet in order to return them for a refund:
- Reported within three working days from delivery to the Trust. Contact the procurement team who can arrange for the return (ext .4937, 4938, 4699 and 4939 for City and ext. 2824, 2823 and 2689 at Sandwell).
- Return the item “fit for resale” – unopened, not ripped, not written on.
- The items need to be over the value of £10 per product line.
Note: It’s imperative that orders are placed accurately as it could result in money being wasted if we are unable to use the products within the Trust.
For more information, please contact Lisa Southall on ext. 4938.