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Action counters terrorism

January 28, 2019

Our prevent strategy is a process aimed to counter terrorism through recognising vulnerabilities within communities and individuals which may place them at high risk of radicalisation. It aims to stop people developing into terrorists or supporting terrorism.

One way we do this is by using the referral process, this is the process you must follow if you suspect someone may be a terror related risk.  Firstly you must ask is the person causing concern where they are not an immediate risk, but a parent/carer/college indicate that they may have been radicalised. If so, you need to complete a referral form and email to for individuals over 18, or for under 18, also including the Adult Safeguarding team at

The prevent lead will then review the referral and outcomes will either be: no further action, refer to a local authority, refer to police or adding the update to patient/ staff files.  However, if the individual is at immediate risk, where they are behaving as though they will be an immediate risk of initiating a violent extremist attack, you must call 999 or security on 2222. You will also need to Inform Prevent Lead Clare Cotterill, along with Human Resources and complete an Incident Form.

Supporting the PREVENT strategy, National Counter Terrorism Policing have launched an eight-week Communities Defeat Terrorism cinema advertising campaign; timed to coincide with Oscar’s season.

For more information and to support this campaign you can follow the links below:

The campaign’s hashtag is #ActionCountersTerrorism and the social media channels are:

Twitter: @TerrorismPolice
Facebook: @CounterTerrorismPoliceUK